I would expect to use my air_ at 6 metres/20 feet. My buddy and I descend to 12 metres/40 feet. I should stop, descend slightly and allow trapped air to work its way out. True During ascent I feel discomfort in my ears.

I should cancel my dive until I'm well When scuba diving, normal breathing keeps your lungs equalized to the surrounding pressure True The most important rule in scuba diving is to Breathe continuously and never hold your breath Failure to follow the most important rule in scuba diving can cause severe lung overexpansion injuries, which can result in paralysis or death.

The first thing I would do is stop my descent and see if the problem corrects itself I equalize gently because an extended, forceful equalization can cause permanent damage to my ears and hearing True On a day I plan to to go diving, I wake up with my sinuses blocked due to a cold or allergy.

As I descend, increasing pressure affects my mask, ears, sinuses A squeeze is caused by a pressure imbalance between the surrounding pressure and an air space Equalization is the process of adding air to an air space I should equalize Before I feel pain or discomfort I'm descending and discover I can't equalize.